Sunday, June 22, 2014

Interview Tips

Interview Tips 

The following points must always be borne in mind while appearing for the Interview-

1. Be through vid your mains form. Share its copies with a couple of people/friends who are close to you. Open your mind to the range of
questions that can be asked. Generate almost all types of questions possible related to your education background, optional subjects, region/state, personal details, hobbies, sports,
achievements, family background etc. Then find answers for these questions by extensive thinking/searching/discussions/etc. Write relevant facts and info in a separate notebook.

2. Go through the editorials and important news of 3-4 newspapers (The Hindu, Times of India, Economic Times, The Tribune, etc.) Jot down the
important aspects and facts in news and major issues.

3. Your answers in the interview should be logical and unbiased.Try to form an opinion on all issues around you.

4. Give ut most respect to the board members. Wish lady members first while entering n leaving . Behave in a formal way.

5. When u dont know the answer then just say that : “SORRY SIR/MAM ,I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION”. Be honest to the
board. There is nothing to b afraid or 2 feel embrassed.

6. Be polite n patient. Dont argue necessarily.

7. Always maintain an eye 2 eye contact vid the board members. Never look down while answering. Look into their eyes. When 1 member asks uh a question , look at him most of the time but in between for some seconds
look at the other members too.

8. Give some mock interviews. It helps uh to learn what all mistakes uh r committing, what r your strengths/weaknesses, where did uh need

9. For students with difficulty in public
speaking, get involved in group discussions with other people on current issues of importance.

10. Give a very original and convincing reply to this question - WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN Bank?
Your answer should be real that what exactly is it that attracted you to the Services? The main purpose of this question is to evaluate your
honesty and your conviction for this job.

Remember, you might face setbacks but how well you fight back is what matters in the end.

All the best.....

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