Friday, June 20, 2014

Seven safe degrees: Be employable today and tomorrow

Seven safe degrees: Be employable today and tomorrow
Seven safe degrees: Be employable today and tomorrow

It's tempting to get a quick degree to start earning quick money. Ten years down the line, will that degree still be earning you good money?

A degree that fetches you a well-paying job, both today and tomorrow, is the one that's worth having in hand. More than temporary success, it's important to think about the long term effects and benefits of the degree you plan to undertake now.

Here is a list of seven online degrees that have the power to get you a job both now and in your future, as listed by Veranda Hillard of The Richest.

Communications: Communications gives you the opportunity to interact with people from different walks of life. One of the top choices among college students, this degree comprises of different fields such as policy, politics, international development, mass media and new media etc. A degree in Communications provides an edge to the students pursuing the same over other students in all sorts of career fields. Communications boost confidence to converse and deal with individuals of both public and private enterprises and also organizations. Based on data compiled on the Open Education Database, careers in communications are employing nearly 1.8 million people worldwide with a median income of $54,490.

Economics: If you're good with numbers and you want to become better with your arithmetic and research skills, a career in Economics is best suited for you. Economics is a degree that serves advantageous by opening many doors in the job market. According to Bureau of Labour Statistics, some of the job titles include a statistician, a business forecaster, a stockbroker, a policy analyst, and many more that find employment at great locations like the Federal Reserve Banks, and the Department of the Treasury. Having earned a degree in Economics serves fruitful in getting job in the finance sector and you can earn a hefty pay.

Computer Science: With the coming up of modernization in technology, a career in computer science will be a smart choice. Computer science professionals invent and design new approaches to computing technology and find innovative uses for existing technology. Studying computer science online actually give students an update on the technical know-how. This degree sharpens handling of technological products and makes the solving of complex computer problems easy serving as an aid to medicine, science, and other related fields.

Marketing: Marketing develops networking skills. If you're keen on getting equipped with knowledge from courses such as psychology, statistics finance, and the booming area of internet marketing, then marketing is the course for you. Marketing involves serving clients, delivering services, public relations, market research and advertising positions. Designing ad campaigns, client servicing, promotion of a product launched, addressing client complaints, monitoring sales and carrying our market research are also part of the territory of marketing. Marketing is a rising career and is bagged by a good salary.

Healthcare: Healthcare jobs are always in demand and are expected to stay in demand for a prolonged period. Health-related careers can vary as widely such as surgical technologists, dental hygienists, registered nurses, medical transcriptionists, and physician assistants. A clinical setting is an appropriate atmosphere to pursue health care related course but students are still free to earn a degree without sitting in a classroom all day. Health care jobs serve community and have attractive packages too.

Business: If you have good managerial skills, ability to solve grievances and leadership qualities the business world is for you is the place to be. You can make it large in the corporate world by skills and charm and make a good amount of money for a good lifestyle. Considering the in-demand degree, this field has a lot of growth where individuals can climb the ranks in variety of different industries and positions. One aspiring to achieve heights in this sphere can work towards launching a new career or advancing in their current one.

Engineering: This field is extremely flexible and broad involving computer, petroleum, mechanics, nuclear energy, electrical systems, aerospace, chemicals, and many more. A career with a good job profile and a decent digit pay, engineering is a powerful degree with which individuals can find work virtually anywhere. With a Bachelor's degree in Engineering you are at a more advantageous position as compared to an individual with a masters' degree in any field.

What you choose to study in your initial years after school, serves as a foundation for your future career. In these changing times the shelf life of many degrees is decreasing day by day, for example courses in philosophy or art history. To survive in the increasingly global market of today, it's important to think carefully and select a career and education plan that is suitable not only to your personality but also to the job market of the future.

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